Section Advantages

The schools adopt the Cambridge International Pathway Program for the Primary Stage (CP, SC), and the schools will offer the opportunity to teach within the program from the first to the seventh grade under the leadership of qualified and highly experienced educational and administrative cadres in the approved program and within a rich educational environment equipped with the latest educational facilities. and technology.



Our Lord, You did not create this in vain, Glory be to You, protect us from the torment of the fire. In the shadows of this verse, our students at Al...

Al Ridwan International we believe firmly in the partnership between parents and the school. In this spirit we held a parent-teacher meeting to...

Al Ridwan International is proud to open its Arabic for Non Native Speaker programme! In the presence of Dr Mahdiyeh Al Ridwan’s General Manager and...

Al Ridwan International completed the week with beautiful songs and poetry praising our beloved Prophet (saw) performed by students from grades 1-4...

In continuation of increasing the love of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in our hearts, Al Ridwan International decided to deliver the message to the...

Al Ridwan International commemorated World Mental Health Day on 10/10/2022 beginning with a morning assembly hosted by the counseling committee. The...

As part of our plan to elevate the safety, health, wellbeing and social-emotional learning of our students, Al Ridwan International has adopted...

Yesterday our little Ridwanies celebrated the end of summer with a Water Fun Day that engaged all the senses. With temperatures above 30° it was...

يُضاعف الله أجر المُصلّي في جماعة إلى سبع وعشرين درجة عمّن يصلّي منفرداً؛ لقول النبيّ -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم-: «صَلَاةُ الجَمَاعَةِ أَفْضَلُ مِن...